Monday, March 21, 2011

It's An Honour Just to Be Nominated...

...for Most Last Minute Oscar Garment.

For last year's party I swiped a couture gown from a make-up artist's studio and only now when I look at the pictures, do I realize it was mostly see-through. I had spent the day quitting a job I loved more than any other job and "breaking up" with a boss who made my Hamilton to Toronto commute worth it. Teary-eyed, I rushed home with 15 minutes to spare then had to sashay through a supermarket in this frock in search of Brie. The dress weighed about 20 lbs - all sequins and fringe.

This year I was on a ski weekend and rushed home with bruised limbs and had just enough time to grab this mink coat that was given to me - surprisingly not as a joke. The tag says mink, but I'm pretty sure it's actually squirrel. It is the inspiration and piece de resistance for my upcoming Hallowe'en costume - finally, some prep time. I also threw on this butterfly sequin top thing that Dru convinced me to buy at a garage sale because she had the exact same one. What are the chances?

Of course, none of these outfits tops the rash-inducing actual world pageant submission of 2009, seen here:

2009 Oscar Party

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